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SURFSIDE AT SANDBRIDGE: website redesign + website MAINTENANCE + updates

Surfside at Sandbridge


Carder Realty Group in Virginia Beach manages luxury RVs and RV lots at Surfside at Sandbridge in Virginia Beach, VA.​ Located on Back Bay and across the street from the Atlantic Ocean, Surfside offers a refreshing ocean lifestyle with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. People come to stay at Surfside for the simple, community feel and excellent views.

Carder Realty Group and Surfside at Sandbridge were existing website maintenance clients of ours. Their owner, Amy Carder, was experiencing several ongoing issues with the Surfside site, so we proposed a website redesign in 2021.

This project was unique in a major way—Surfside at Sandbridge is, at its core, a campground. The booking plugin they were using on the old site was extremely cumbersome and void of several features a campground accommodations tool should have, so the key focus of the redesign was to research and propose new campground management software to integrate with the new site. With most features our clients request, we can find a plugin that suites their needs. In other cases like this though, we budget in the time to research, demo, and test an array of software and digital tools that will meet (and hopefully exceed!) our clients’ expectations.

For the website itself, we wanted to create a bright, colorful, and “beachy” vibe that encompasses the Surfside at Sandbridge image. They did not have existing typography or a color palette, so we added those to the creative package and now have basic branding elements to use across their marketing. We brought Surfside to life with large, high-res images, color-blocking, and custom backgrounds. For their reservation system we chose Campspot, which is a cloud-based campground management software. We performed their entire initial campground setup, complete with images, descriptions, rules and policies, pricing, and much more.

Surfside at Sandbridge today is an ongoing website maintenance client. We regularly manage changes to their Campspot portfolio and handle all plugin, theme, WP core, and minor revisions to their main website. We fully believe that your website should make your job easier, so it was very gratifying to watch that happen for Amy and her team by way of Campspot and their lively new site.

SURFSIDE AT SANDBRIDGE: website design + website MAINTENANCE + updates