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venue snobs: branding + logo design

Venue Snobs


Venue Snobs is a venue-vetting company owned by Melinda Gainer. Melinda tours event venues as somewhat of a secret shopper, posing as a potential client to find out what each venue has, and what it doesn’t. Then she drafts up something like an audit to share online so that venue-hunters can get the inside scoop on whether that’s truly the best place for their event.

When Melinda came to us it was for help with two very distinct brands (see Opulence Group for the other). She had the passion and the vision, she just needed our help with bringing it all to life. We set up a multiple touch-point situation where there was lots of interaction between client and designer (something we can customize for every client!), and then we worked our magic.

Melinda gave us the time and space we needed to do some of our absolute best work. When a client trusts us with two to three months instead of two to three weeks, our creativity has a chance to breathe and we all walk away ecstatic with the results. We produced Venue Snob’s logo, color palette, and full branding guide, and we can’t wait to see what Melinda does with them!

venue snobs: branding + logo design